When will the CampusRun take place?
The CampusRun will take place on June 4th 2025 at X TU Delft (Mekelweg 8-10, 2628 CD Delft) at 18:00.
What is the last possible day I can sign up?
The last day to register online is June 3th, the day before the run.
Is there time measuring system present during the CampusRun?
Yes! We will be using devices that track how fast everyone completes their run.
Will there be prizes to win?
Yes! The fastest times of the 5km and 10km will receive a prize and also the ones who raised the most money.
I’ve lost my E-ticket! What should I do?
Send us an email (info@campusrun.nl), we will send it again!
How can people sponsor me?
Check this page. Here you can be sponsored by all your friends and family!
What happens in bad weather?
If a significant amount of rain is expected, we will possibly have to cancel the run
Is your question stil not answered? Mail it to info@campusrun.nl. Or talk to one of us.